Home of Stylish Transient, The Cage Free Mechanic and EarthHouse 55
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And I know we said we wanted casseroles, but…
“The Casserole Economy” is just a metaphor for whatever it is you want to offer the world, and now we’ve been officially overloaded with casseroles! Don’t get us wrong, there’s been some delicious casseroles along the way, but the household has spoken and it’s time to expand our tastebuds. So make us whatever your specialty is, or get us a gift card to the restaurant you work at, or we could always use groceries. We’re working on a real-time grocery list to streamline our garage-to-table way of life, but also we can’t get enough seltzer, coffee and fresh fruit, or cookies, or Instacart gift cards.
We’ve been accepting leftover car parts and oil, and we’re also working out a system for direct donations into a car parts fund, but for now we’ll take O’Reillys gift cards if you want to ensure that 100% of your donation goes to buying parts for free installation, otherwise we’ll continue to use UnSheltered Earth’s Venmo for whichever part of this mosaic makes sense. Thank you to everyone who has made all of this possible!
And here’s our real-time grocery list experiment!
And now a special treat for anyone who’s made it this deep into the mud…
…you’re welcome