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Welcome to the UnSheltered Earth Community Conversation  

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Joined: 3 years ago

We're so excited to have already seen such enthusiasm for our project, please feel free to share a bit about yourself as this forum starts to take on a life of it's own!

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Hey, I'm DJ, one of the folks helping to put this project together. I first heard about earthbag construction a few years ago and had the opportunity to build with them last year in Colorado. I've had enough time since then to have forgotten how much work it is, so when I was approached over the summer by Lakota Child and Family about this project I immediately jumped on board. I've been spending time on Rosebud Rez every year since I spent the winter at Standing Rock, which is where I learned the true reality of the hardships faced by those living on the reservation. Since then I've spent my time traveling the country between resistance camps and off-grid communities, I usually end up cooking wherever I go, and I've written down a bit about my own journey of learning what it means to live in a good way. And I've done it all without using money for four years.

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Joined: 3 years ago

I'm Daniel. I was a Water Protector at Standing Rock. At that time, folks knew me by my nickname of Wiz. I'm an old fart and I've been around the block a few times. At this time, I am on-site with DJ and Josh working to make this project happen. I grew up in Montana, was a Boy Scout, and I am an Air Force veteran, so I come to the table with some skills. I am an Ikce Wicasa and a wasicu. But I am a spiritual man and I do ceremony. For me this project is ceremony.


For further information on earthbag building just do a simple google search, there’s a vast catalog of resources available from an active online community. Our favorite website for this kind of stuff is www.earthbagbuilding.com, our favorite YouTube channel is My Little Homestead, and here’s a beautiful photo gallery of another earthbag village concept.

Or if that’s too much homework for you, then you can check out the fictional novel Liberation’s Garden, a free download featuring earthbags, activism, and life on the reservation. Authored by one of our core members, it holds a vision for the future as we take the first steps toward bringing that vision to life.