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We started the bags!  

Posts: 9
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Joined: 4 years ago

Just a quick update while we're near the internet: We got our gravel yesterday and screened a bunch of dirt, today we filled the trench and topped it off with our first row of bags, though they're still the same fill as the trench and will act as a further capillary break for the lime-stabilized stem wall that we will begin tomorrow!

For further information on earthbag building just do a simple google search, there’s a vast catalog of resources available from an active online community. Our favorite website for this kind of stuff is www.earthbagbuilding.com, our favorite YouTube channel is My Little Homestead, and here’s a beautiful photo gallery of another earthbag village concept.

Or if that’s too much homework for you, then you can check out the fictional novel Liberation’s Garden, a free download featuring earthbags, activism, and life on the reservation. Authored by one of our core members, it holds a vision for the future as we take the first steps toward bringing that vision to life.