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Leaving from Alberta Canada March2023  

Posts: 2
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Joined: 2 years ago

Since there have been no updates in five months, I won't be leaving before I get some information from anyone!!!  Leaving from Alberta Canada in approximately March 2023. Have room for one person to ride along though must have a tent or something for sleeping in along the way.  Can email me at reiki.master.melanie@gmail.com for arrangements.


Prairie Gypsy 

For further information on earthbag building just do a simple google search, there’s a vast catalog of resources available from an active online community. Our favorite website for this kind of stuff is www.earthbagbuilding.com, our favorite YouTube channel is My Little Homestead, and here’s a beautiful photo gallery of another earthbag village concept.

Or if that’s too much homework for you, then you can check out the fictional novel Liberation’s Garden, a free download featuring earthbags, activism, and life on the reservation. Authored by one of our core members, it holds a vision for the future as we take the first steps toward bringing that vision to life.